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Code of Ethics

The Korea News Plus Code of Ethics       

As a responsible media outlet, the Korea News Plus will seek after such significant values as accuracy, independence & impartiality, integrity, and accountability for our readers.


  1. Accuracy

: Accuracy is the most significant value of the Korea News Plus.

①We will sincerely try to ensure that all facts in articles are accurate.

②We will sincerely try to clearly distinguish between fact and opinion.


  1. Independence & impartiality

: Independence from government control and business interests is one of the most significant values of the Korea News Plus.

①We understand that our editorial judgments should be based on careful examination of all the facts.

②We will try not to be affected by political or commercial interests by appropriately managing conflicts of interest.


  1. Integrity

: We will attempt to support the value of journalism by trying to do the right thing under any circumstances.

①We understand that our editors and reporters should identify themselves as journalists in principle.

②In principle, we understand that devices for secret information gathering like hidden cameras are prohibited.

③We will always try to disclose sources of news articles unless they need to be protected.

④We vow to faithfully comply with all the regulations, especially the copyright act.


  1. Accountability

: We will try to take responsibility for our journalism.

①We will try to do our best to promptly respond to the feedback from our readers and those who are related to our articles.

②We will try to instantly make corrections for any errors or misleading information in our articles.


  1. Self Regulations

: We will try to periodically review whether we are properly complying with the Code of Ethics.

①We will try to periodically hold education sessions for our code of ethics, especially the copyright act for journalism.

②We will try to periodically review whether the Korea News Plus and its reporters are properly abiding by the Code of Ethics by asking for reviews of third-party players.